I would like to thank all the Delegates and Speakers for giving their time and for contributing their thoughts and ideas which made this such a successful Forum. Thanks must also go to ITTF/ETTU and the ETTA for their financial backing of this Forum.

When the responses from the discussion mats are collated this be also be posted on the website.

It is essential that this is not just a “one off” and that the recommendations/proposals result in positive action by the ETTA and Local Organisations.

It has been very pleasing that a number of Delegates and others have contacted me with ideas and offers of help in the promotion of Women and Girls participation and involvement and I believe that Table Tennis has taken a step forward and this opportunity must not be missed.

The ETTA Women’s Working Group meets on the Friday before each National Council meeting and we would be pleased to hear about success stories and innovative ideas. Women/Girls comes under “Our Sport” on the ETTA website.

Below are the presentations given at the event.

Lila de Soysa, ETTU Development Manager
Jill Parker ETTA National Talent & Coaching Manager
Margot Fraser, International blue badge umpire
Liz Davidson – Sports Partnerships Manager
Katy Parker, ETTA Regional Coach
Lilamani De Soysa, ITTF
Eileen Shaler,ETTA VC Development


Val Murdoch
Chair – ETTA WWG