Five more pictures this week. Apart from Marilyn Bawden in the fifth image, can you help with any names for the rest of the players?

Click here to scroll to last week’s pictures

Let me know on [email protected]

Photo 1

27-11-15 img784


Photo 2

27-11-15 img785


Photo 3

27-11-15 img786


Photo 4

27-11-15 img787


Photo 5

27-11-15 img788Linda Barrow (nee Henwood, subsequently Linda Hales) with Marilyn Nash (later Marilyn Barden).

Responses from November 20, 2015

Many thanks for all the emails for last week’s pictures. Nearly every player and event have been identified, your contributions are very much appreciated.

Photo 1


Some of the winners at the Wembley & Harrow League Closed Championships held at Kodak, 1955.

Back Row: John Parker and Stanley Jacobson (Men’s Doubles), Miss Joyce Lewsey and Miss Lucy Murray (Ladies’ Doubles), Laurie Landry (Junior Boys’ Singles).

Front Row: Miss M Chipperfield (Ladies’ Singles), Michael Close (Men’s Singles).



Photo 2


Winners of the Wembley & Harrow League Closed Championships, 1958.

Back Row: Laurie Landry, (Men’s Doubles), E Howarth (Boys’ Singles), Michael Close (Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

Front Row: Miss Joyce Lewsey (Ladies’ Doubles), Mrs Margaret Seilly (Ladies Singles), Alan Rhodes (Men’s Singles), Miss Lucy Murray (Ladies’ Doubles and Mixed Doubles).



Photo 3

Back Row: Michael Close fourth left.

Back Row: Wembley & Harrow Elvin Cup Finalists, 1980.

H Meadows, John McCance, David Seaholme, Michael Close, Stuart Seaholme, J Corrall.

Front Row: Olympus Youth Shield Finalists.

S Lee, K Brothwood, D Rosenbaum, A Marcus, D Hughes, Miss L Phelps.



Photo 4

Michael Close far left.

The double winning Wembley and Sudbury Team, 1960/61.

Michael Close, Tony Hill, Ralph Lewis.



Photo 5

X, Michael Close, Laurie Landry.

The Elvin Cup Winners for Wembley and Sudbury, 1956.

Tony Hill, Michael Close, Laurie Landry.



Photo 6

Michael Close centre.

Michael Close, centre. Others unknown.

Stanley Jacobson, Laurie Landry and Alan Rhodes were all England Senior internationals.

Additional Responses from November 6, 2015

Photo 1

06-11-15 Guinness school of sport Crystal Palace 1983

Front Row: Chris Bartram, Nicky Mason, Juliet Houghton, Sarah Sandley, Jane Barella, Lesley Popkievicz, Sue Collier, x.

Back Row: Peter Hirst, David Barr, Graham Sandley, Mark Oakley, Andrew Dodd, Andrew Cunningham, David Dodd, Richard Darnell, x, Ian Fullerton, Geoff Chapman, Mike Kercher.

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