Five photos this week for identifying the players, place and date. All help most welcome.

Click here to scroll to last week’s pictures

Photo 1

16-10-15 img743


Photo 2

16-10-15 img744


Photo 3

16-10-15 img745


Photo 4

16-10-15 img746


Photo 5

16-10-15 img747


As usual I can be contacted on [email protected]. All information is very much appreciated. A reminder that all previous weeks’ photos can be found under ‘About’ and then ‘From the Archives’ on the Table Tennis England website.

Responses from October 9

A good response last week from many people, thank you all. Three of the six players have been identified.

Photo 1 – Roy Morley, Gloucestershire and England Top 10

09-10-15 img729


Photo 2 – Michael Spicer

09-10-15 img731


Photo 3 – Dave Pickard of Hastings and Eastbourne

09-10-15 img732


Photo 4 – Eric Basterfield of Bedfordshire Juniors

09-10-15 img733


Photo 5 – Alan Danton

09-10-15 img734


Photo 6 – Keith Rodger, Scotland No 1, also played in Darlington and for Yorkshire Veterans

09-10-15 img735

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