The open consultation period on Table Tennis England’s Governance Review has begun.

The first stage sees publication today of the draft scope of the review. Members are invited to give their views on it between now and September 29th.

Alongside that, we are inviting interested parties to apply to be Chair of the Independent Review Panel (IRP) which will carry out the Review.

Those interested are asked to apply using the Invitation to Tender document, which can be found here.

The closing date is noon on October 9th. The Governance Review Group (GRG) will then draw up a shortlist with a view to carrying out interviews and appointing the IRP Chair by October 20th.

More about this process, including the make-up of the Governance Review Group and its terms of reference, plus the minutes of its first meeting earlier this month and the timeline of the Review, can be found on the dedicated Governance Review section of our website here.

A dedicated email address for all correspondence has also been set up and is [email protected]

Table Tennis England committed to carry out a wide-ranging and thorough Review into its governance and structures at the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) last month.

The aim is to achieve a modernised, professional, transparent organisation that balances the need for democracy and a volunteer workforce at its heart.