The Youth Sport Trust is putting the wellbeing of teachers at the forefront of its involvement in The Big Give campaign.

The Trust aims to raise £12,500 to support its work looking after the mental health of teachers – and every pound raised up to that amount will be matched by the Monday Charitable Trust and Sky Sports. The aspiration is to reach the £25,000 target to celebrate the YST’s 25th anniversary year.

YST is on a mission to support frontline teacher and school staff wellbeing following the Covid-19 crisis. YST’s Well Schools Movement will help schools embed a wellbeing strategy that will impact their staff and young people to transform their health and wellbeing using sport and physical activity.

The sum of £25,000 would help more than 500 teachers, which will in turn benefit more than 15,000 young people.

The Big Give is a national campaign involving more than 750 charities and runs for seven days from noon on December 1.

The Youth Sport Trust is inviting pledges now – click here to find out more and make your pledge. The Trust will then contact all pledgers to remind them to make their actual donation when the fundraising goes live on December 1 and donors will have until noon on December 8 to give.