The Sport England Satellite Club Toolkit is packed with ideas and free resources to help you run satellite sports clubs for young people in your community.

The focus is on the 14 to 25 age group. This is a critical time when too many young people give up sport. A local satellite club, built around their needs, is a great way to keep them active.

Find out what really works when putting on sporting provision for these young people. Discover all you need to know about their attitudes to sport, and use this understanding to get them involved in your clubs.

The toolkit offers practical, easy-to-understand information to help you plan, set up and maintain successful satellite clubs.

Benefits for your club

Satellites help you earn more revenue for your club by attracting new members and keeping them over the long run. And don’t forget it’s a new way to find young leaders and volunteers.

The toolkit offers advice and ideas on how to attract young people to the club, financing, building your team, partner organisations and much more.

Please go to to find out how the toolkit can help you.

A message from Mike Diaper, Executive Director, Youth and Communities, Sport England:

“Creating new opportunities for more people to take part in community sport is what Sport England does.

A key part of this is providing appealing opportunities for young people to make the step from playing sport in school and further education settings – a time when many young people drop-out of sport – to regular and lifelong participation in sport in their own time within their community.

Satellite clubs are one way that we can bridge the gap betweens school and community sport. The clublinks framework has been developed by Sport England and the Youth Sport Trust to provide a supported pathway for young people to transition from education settings to regular participation in community sports clubs.

Satellite clubs can provide a ‘stepping stone’ between school and community sports clubs, with the benefit of increasing existing club capacity, helping to open-up a sports offer to reach out to a wider range of young people and increase the opportunities available for all types of young people to participate in community sport, by delivering sport in a way which young people want to receive it.

This resource aims to act as a practical toolkit to provide a source of ideas and guidance to support those working to develop community satellite clubs. We see this as an evolving resource which will be added to as work in this area develops and further good practice is shared”.

A message from Lisa McHendry, Head of Participation, Youth Sport Trust:

“Over the last 12 months Youth Sport Trust have been working hard with Sport England to establish a coherent School Club Links Framework that creates a smooth and supported transition for young people from the PE curriculum, into after-school sport and on to community sport.

The establishment of satellite clubs form an integral part of this framework which we believe will not only add much needed capacity and accessibility to the current NGB community club network for many more young people but will also help to maximise the use of existing facilities such as schools for this satellite activity”.