Leigh St George Community Table Tennis Club and Stockport Table Tennis Academy were recently awarded their Pride of Table Tennis memento and certificate by Andrea Holt Table Tennis England’s Development and Volunteering Officer.

Chris Garfin was the North West winner for Club Volunteer of The Year. Chris is a member of Leigh St George Community Club who have recently moved to a multi-table venue within the Leigh Spinners Mill. Chris has worked tirelessly, spending many hours working hard at ensuring the new club facility would be up and ready for 2019. It has been a tremendous effort by Chris and all the other club volunteers to now have a superb playing facility for anyone and everyone to enjoy playing table tennis. A much deserved award. Well done everyone from the club!
Leigh St George Community Table Tennis Club

Stockport Table Tennis Academy were awarded with The Club of The Year Award. The club has grown from year to year due to their involvement in many of Table Tennis England’s Be TT projects. They have delivered satellite club sessions, adult coaching, Women and Girls, shorter format leagues, bat and chat. The club work closely with Table Tennis England, Withington Grammar School, Stockport Council and the local schools. Recently a Girls only Team from Withington Girls School entered the English schools Championships at Kettering where they competed very well. The two main deliverers of sessions for the club are David Hulme and Ken Davies. Again, well done to Stockport Table Tennis Academy!
Stockport Table Tennis Academy