Another mixture of photos this week generally from a slightly earlier era I would imagine. Can you help with the identification, players, date, venues, events?

Click here to scroll to last week’s pictures

Photo 1

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Photo 2

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Michael Spicer

Photo 3

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Photo 4

09-10-15 img733

Eric Basterfield, Bedfordshire Juniors

Photo 5

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Alan Danton

Photo 6

09-10-15 img735

A brilliant response last week from many varied sources which led to a full complement of names plus some additional information. Many thanks to all who have sent in details.

As usual I can be contacted on [email protected]. All information is very much appreciated. A reminder that all previous weeks’ photos can be found under ‘About’ and then ‘From the Archives’ on the Table Tennis England website.

Responses from October 2

Photo 1 – Joe Kennedy, Kent

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Photo 2 – Jeremy Hyatt

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Photo 3 – Michele Hams at Surrey Closed Championships

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Photo 4 – Adrian Vincent, Plymouth

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Photo 5 – Ellen Meddings

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England Junior, played at the European Youth Championships 1991/92. From Yorkshire.

Photo 6 – Stephen Moore, Adrian Moore, Malcolm Francis (coached Alex Perry), Peter Puddock. British League team.

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