Firstly, my apologies for there being no Friday’s Photos last week. Due to internet problems (a router that stopped working) I was unable to send any pictures to Table Tennis England. All up and running again now though so here are this week’s images.
Click here to scroll to last week’s pictures
Thank you to everyone who sent information in for the photographs of 24h April, I wasn’t able to email you all personally so please accept my thanks now.
Photo 1
The trophy is marked Grand Prix 1997/98, South West Open, Band 4 Men’s Singles Winner. Do you know who the player is?
Photo 2
Probably taken at the same time as the first photo but the only legible engraving on the trophy is ‘Men’s Band 1 Singles’. Who is the player?
Photo 3
Adam Robertson is on the left and the envelope is marked ‘Men’s Singles Semi-finalist’. The other player is unknown but his trophy is marked ‘Men’s Singles Runner-up’.
Photo 4
This is someone we do know, Susan Johnson. Is this the same event?
Photo 5
From a different competition – players, venue, date and competition required.
All replies to me at [email protected]
Photos from 24th April 2015
Photo 1
Essex Junior 3rd Team: Terry Dowsett, Kim Mudge, Richard Veale, Julie Askem, Kevin Gard.
Photo 2
Brian Hill.
Photo 3
Charlie Darts (Essex).
Photo 4
Sue Dove.
Photo 5
Diane Fitzgerald (Manchester).
Photo 6
Derek Holman (Hampshire).
Diane Webb
May 8, 2015