The success of the Leeds Priority Zone development work has recently been recognised by Leeds City Development Directorate who named Table Tennis England as winners of ‘Partner of the Year’ award. The award was presented to Sally Shutt (Table Tennis England Development Officer- North) at a reception at the Civic Hall. The citation read-
‘Table Tennis England staff have been at the forefront of developing social Table Tennis across the city for the past year, ensuring that programmes are linked to local communities and priorities. Their work has proved beneficial to a variety of local communities including Bat and Chat with Neighbourhood Networks to reduce social isolation amongst older people, a new Secondary Schools League engaging over 150 pupils, a Lets Get Active in the Parks programme and a new initiative at Leeds Kirkgate Market. They have also established a new Ping Pong Parlour at Leeds Corn Exchange which provides a spectacular opportunity for social and workplace activity. They have also linked with Adult Social Care to create connections with adults with a range of disabilities. A new club has also been established at Aireborough Leisure Centre along with other social sessions at council Leisure Centres. This is a great example of mutually beneficial partnership work and their approach has been innovative in understanding participant needs. Both Sally Shutt and Peter Thompson have shown a great passion in all their work and have been extremely beneficial to the city.’
Table Tennis England were one of six organisations short listed including Town Centre Securities, Bammott McDonald Engineering, Bramley Baths, The Grammar School at Leeds and British Triathlon.