World Alzheimer’s Day 21st September 2016

To celebrate World Alzheimer’s Day T3 ping pong and Hill Homes, a residential care home in North London, are delighted to announce that they will partner for stage 3 of T3’s research into the benefits of playing ping pong on those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Q: How is T3 ping pong different to traditional table tennis and why is it better for elderly players?

A: T3 ping pong is 3-6 a-side played on a round table. This means that more players can play at the same time and they can surround the ball, so it is less likely to leave the table. They can also play seated!

No special chairs are required they either use a standard TV/lounge chair or a wheelchair. For this reason it has been possible to work with very elderly and advanced suffers of the conditions which would be impossible with a traditional table.

Research results so far have established:

­          The best exercises and games to play by physical and mental ability/condition.

­          Which bats are more suitable for which players depending on their physical agility and mental ability. This has led to the development of a special ‘Senior T3 bat’ being designed from the research findings in Phase 2 of the study. It is being progressed with the help of Stag International (India’s biggest table tennis and bat manufacturer and sponsor of more Para Olympic table tennis players than any other brand. The two brothers who own the company also used to play table tennis for India so know the sport inside out!)

­          The best ball colour, weight, material and size depending on the player’s physical agility and mental ability

­          The best seats for seated play

­          Optimum time per session and activity structure

­          The remarkable benefits to the social and emotional wellbeing of the participants.

Phase 3 – what’s next…

12 week Study starting this week into;

–          The clinical benefits of playing and ideal frequency

–          The psychological benefits of participation and their longer term effects

–          The social benefits of the game and the residents and carers with in the care home

–          The rates of improvement amongst participants over the research period

We are delighted to be partnering with T3 on the third stage of their research.  And look forward to seeing the benefits of the game rub off on more of our residents! So far the response has been incredibly positive it has surprised us all. This could be our ‘Awakenings’! ‘

Jay Patel

Health & Wellbeing coordinator

Hill Homes

For more information please contact:

Jason Garcia

E: [email protected]