The Church of The Apostles and St Cuthberts within Manchester are really benefiting from Table Tennis tables having recently been donated to them from Sport England, ITV and Table Tennis England.
The churches were chosen as two of four Community Groups to receive tables from the I AM TEAM GB national sporting day, whereby table tennis tables were displayed on the Coronation Street cobbles and the general public/families were invited to take part in a variety of activities with table tennis being one of these, whilst taking in the surroundings of where Coronation Street is filmed and having their selfies taken with both Coronation Street actors and medalists from Team GB.
Eleanor Trimble, the priest in charge of the churches, has been delighted with having the tables. She has witnessed at first hand, how the tables have truly benefited the local Community, with many different groups using the tables. Here are some of the comments from Eleanor
People see the tables as a real gift to us and there is always lots of laughter and very rosy cheeks as people get active.
We have one lady who comes all the way from Wythenshawe to join our Friday morning coffee morning as she is isolated and lonely. She loves the tables tennis as she played as a younger woman. She explains to me how she can’t move the way she used to but then absolutely thrashed me probably 30 years her junior. She challenges me over a game every week, it’s not great for my self esteem but amazing for hers !
On Thursday evening I apologised to our youth group leaders as the heating was out of use and it was quite cold. She said it was absolutely fine as the young people were really hot as they had been on the tables all night along side playing badminton!
There are people playing on the tables most days of the week, with
Over 50’s play on a Friday morning over a cup of tea/coffee and cake.

Thursday night over 50 young girls and boys brigade, plus the Youth Group project YPAC access the tables.
Saturday morning young families play
Sat afternoon adults play at the four food 4 all sessions,
Sunday am church goers play on the tables- young families, older adults, young adults

Both churches would like to thank ITV, Sport England and Table Tennis England for enabling their Communities to be able to access and play table tennis. The tables have truly had a positive impact in bringing the community together, helping people to become more active, live a healthier lifestyle, meet new social friends and learn new skills at the same time.