Andy Searle had something of a mixed season last term in the Leicester and District League and just struggled a little by his standards in Division Two as his team at the time, Nomads, found it difficult to field a settled side due to work commitments and the like by team mates.  The team, officially relegated, found itself without players this season and did not reapply resulting in Seale moving over to Electricity in Division Three to spearhead their fourth team.

 He has certainly done that with relish and is currently top of the individual averages having lost only one, that a surprise defeat at the hands of Syston Casuals’ Terry Hall.  Otherwise his record is unblemished and includes a number of victories over players graded higher than his 159, including a spanking success against Great Glen’s Alex Mason, graded 190, who was expected to top the averages himself, and still might do so of course as that is his only defeat thus far.

 Searle’s latest result was an 8-2 win over Electricity’s fifth team with the habitual maximum backed by two each from Chris Woodward and Dave Greasley.  The next fixture against the talented Knighton Park VI will be the real tester.

 Division Four is getting its act together after an unprecedented number of postponements earlier with Syston Casuals presently running away at the top, their latest result an overwhelming 10-0 victory over a battered, but unbowed, Winstanley Wizards II with Pritesh Nakeshree – top of the averages at the moment – Scott Morris who is fourth and Ketan Gohel in uncompromising form.

 A near top of the table clash for second position saw Goons II make sure of that spot with a tight 6-4 victory over Desford Village III.  This was spearheaded by an excellent maximum from Scott Robinson with good backing by Steve Harrison (2) and Kevin Edwards (1).  This team were promoted from five last term and are doing well in their elevated position.

 Unicorn II, also up from five, are in the mix, currently third after defeating Electricity VI 9-1 with John Brindley and David Green emerging undefeated, Tony Geanta two.  Dave Bray saved the whitewash for the Sparks.

 What a difference a fifth game can make.  In an exciting 5-5 draw Lutterworth Rotary’s Mike Eastell came up with a cracking maximum having won two of them in five.  Team mate Simon Jones won one but lost his other two in five.  The fortunes of war.  Eastell teamed up with Noelle Paine for an easy doubles to secure a share.  For their opponents, Nomads III, Terry Highton and Rob Sanders each won two, Phil Tomlin one.

 Only one result has come to light so far in Division One this week but it was a very significant one as the two teams behind Unicorn fought out a 5-5 draw.  Unicorn are still 100% and just one win would leapfrog them back to the top with another match still in hand.

 Chris Rogers continued his good form with a solid maximum for Knighton Park against Ajax Wolvey while son, Jack grabbed one and these two took the doubles to take a deserved share.  Ajax were just that deeper in depth with Jon Williams and John Fuller each winning two and Aidan Walsh one.  KP’s other player, Adam Cross, took two to five but could not quite get across the line first.

 The Division Two table is still a little confusing with the dropping out of Blaby & Whetstone first team, a decision still pending about what to do at this stage.

 Blaby’s second team are bottom at the moment but still fighting, having shared 5-5 with Abbots Road II when everyone came out of the match with something.  Two each for Geoff Hancock and Fahed Sacoor and one for Chetan Tailor put Abbots in the driving seat.  For Blaby John Winsper took two, the Hinson brothers, Paul and Phill, one apiece with Winsper and Paul H taking the doubles.

 A 5-5 draw also for a two-man Regent Sports when Charlie Bateman and Kevin Sanderson won two each and the doubles while Kevin Parker emerged undefeated for their opponents, Desford Village II,

 Meanwhile Syston Casuals II were scoring an excellent 9-1 success over Electricity III with Mike James and Ian Wetherly both unbeaten while Chandresh Sodha took the other two.  Russ Pettitt saved the whitewash.  Rayan Kotecha and Brajesh Patel won two each for Knighton Park III against Arnesby II and were also given the doubles to win 7-3.