The hard work and dedication of the East Bridgford Boys’ table tennis team has not only brought reward, value and recognition to the boys and their school, it has also brought value to the Rushcliffe area of Nottinghamshire the school represents.

At the prestigious Rushcliffe Sports Awards Evening they were awarded (out of more than 40 schools) Primary Team of the Year.

This has also added considerably to the East Bridgford St Peter’s mission to raise the profile of the sport in schools.

The school’s recently retired head teacher David Maddison said:

We believe that we are not just developing confident table tennis players, but first and foremost developing more confident, successful children through table tennis.

This is the basis of our success and the reason we want to promote the distinctive role this great game of ours, offered in schools properly, can offer.

The award was collected by Jamie Millward, Matthew Perry (captain), Ben Firth and Cameron Driver, with the St Peter’s number one, Georgio Gerakios, unable to attend.

The three boys other than Matthew are still at St Peter’s and working even harder to improve their skills and match play. They were recently re-crowned County Champions in a hard fought contest against the excellent Redlands Primary School, the school that first introduced Sam Walker to table tennis.