For the 13th time in his career, Steve Kerns has topped the individual averages in this year’s Braintree Table Tennis League.

He lost only once, to Simon Webber, in 24 sets. He did not, however, face the next two on the list, Paul Davison and Peter Hayden, who have had his measure several times in the past.

Hayden this year lost surprisingly to John Andrews and Steve Pennell while Davison lost to Hayden, Webber and Brandon Crouchman.

Andy Holmes is the most notable climber, up nine places to fourth.

Glen Laing had an unblemished record in division two. He won 34 of his 39 sets in three straight games, was stretched to four games five times but never to five.

Ken Lewis, in second place, was beaten by Paul Mitchell and Dave Punt, while Gary Jackson raised his average from 65 last year to 88.

Hannah Pitt – like Laing, in her first season in the league – matched his achievement in division three, winning all 74 of her sets.

She also won most of her sets in straight games but was given a fright by both Vernon King (11-8 in the fifth) and Jamie Brooks (11-9 in the fifth).

Division winners Felsted RBL C have all three of their players, Matthew Laws, Arthur Geen and Mike Pitt, in the top 10.

Individual averages for 2015-16 (qualification one-third of team’s matches), last year’s position in brackets:

Division 1: 1 (3) Steve Kerns 23 wins in 24 sets, average 95.8; 2 (2) Paul Davison 56-59, 94.9; 3 (1) Peter Hayden 22-24, 91.7; 4 (13) Andy Holmes 27-32,84.9; 5 (-) Nikki Davison 32-38, 84.2; 6 (9) James Hicks 49-63, 77.8; 7 (8) Adam Buxton 43-56, 76.8; 8 (6) John Cleasby 21-28, 75; 9 (11=) Simon Webber 31-45, 68.9; 10 (17) Steve Pennell 35-52, 67.3; 11 (7) Ian Whiteside 26-39, 66.7; 12 (19) Ryan Pitt 33-52, 63.5; 13 (11=) Scott Dowsett 25-40, 62.5; 14 (10) Maria Boulton 22-37, 59.5; 15 (-) Brian Riedling 19-33, 57.6; 16 (14) Alistair Hill 26-46, 56.5; 17 (-) Hector Rogers 28-50, 56; 18 (16) Jon Hill 23-43, 53.5; 19 (-) Steve Buer 20-39, 51.3; 20 (-) Adrian Pitt 27-54, 50.

Division 2: 1 Glen Laing 39-39, 100; 2 Ken Lewis 31-33, 93.9; 3 Gary Jackson 38-43, 88.4; 4 Dave Marsh 32-37, 86.5; 5 Richard Kemp 30-36, 83.3; 6 Gordon Fairchild 61-76, 80.3; 7 Gareth Davies 53-69, 76.8; 8 Dave Miller 47-62, 75.8; 9 Jon Fieldsend 30-42, 71.4; 10 Garry Fryatt 57-81, 70.4.

Division 3: 1 Hannah Pitt 74-74, 100; 2 Matthew Laws 65-73, 89.0; 3 Arthur Geen 58-73, 79.5; 4 Shirley Carroll 37-47, 78.7; 5 Charles Wilkinson 54-72, 75; 6 Vernon King 41-56, 73.2; 7 Liam Ebbs 47-65, 72.3; 8 Leon Hewitt 50-71, 71.4; 9 Mike Pitt 51-73, 69.9; 10 Chris High 21-32, 65.6.

* Braintree Table Tennis League has appointed John Mills as its president, following the death of Len Woolmer earlier this year.  Len had been president for 27 years.

John Mills
John Mills

John played in the league for many years before an injury forced him into retirement.

He was the league’s competition secretary, running the individual championships and cup competitions, for nine years and was also general secretary of Witham FC, which folded in 2002.

Other officers elected at the league AGM were: chairman, Ron Fosker; general secretary, Adrian Pitt; treasurer, Kevin Saunders; fixtures secretary, Peter Taylor; competition secretary, Keith Martin; development officer, Brian Davison; coaching secretary, Robin Armstrong; inter-league secretary, Robin Armstrong; press officer, Ron Fosker; auditor, Brian Cook; children and vulnerable people welfare officer, Clare Johnson; committee, Alan McEwan, James Mullane, Dave Parker, Richard Whiteside.