The Board of Table Tennis England is proposing to the Annual General Meeting that our playing membership fees will rise for the 2016/17 season.
The proposal is for fees for adults to rise by £2 and for cadets and juniors by £1. The proposed membership costs for 2016/17 are outlined below.
Fees were frozen for the current season, so this is the first increase for two years. The good news is that every penny of the increases will go to improve the services we deliver to our members.
New for 2016/17, all Player Members will receive Personal Accident insurance on top of the existing Public Liability cover we provide.
The increase will also secure the future provision of the free League Manager function on the Table Tennis 365 website and enhance the service for the direct benefit of members, clubs and leagues.
Did you know only 7% of Table Tennis England’s income comes from membership fees and most of the rest from Sport England funding? Changes in the way sport is funded in the UK mean we need to investigate other sources of revenue and have recently appointed a Head of Commercial to do just that. This year’s proposed fee rises are part of a five-year strategy, which includes seeking commercial opportunities alongside small membership fee increases.
Table Tennis England have big plans for the next few years and we believe Player Membership will continue to offer superb value as we extend the services we provide to those of our members who play competitively.
Proposed Affiliation Fees
Player Membership: £12 for adults; £6 for cadets & juniors.
Player Licence: £34 for adults; £17 for cadets & juniors
Associate Membership: free of charge.
Player Membership is required for those who play regularly in local leagues or wish to compete in a 1* national competition; a Player Licence is required for all players who wish to compete in the British League or national tournaments which are 2* or above.