At the April National Council meeting Table Tennis England’s Coaching & Performance department gave a presentation on the Coach Licence scheme and future of those coaches that have not bridged to UKCC qualifications. After the presentation and accompanying proposal two amendments were proposed by National Councillors. It was agreed that UKCC qualifications and the UK Coaching Framework are the way forward for future years. However, National Council proposed and passed an amendment that existing ETTA qualified coaches can retain their qualification for life but MUST hold an Table Tennis England Coach Licence.

From November 15th 2013 a person to be recognised by Table Tennis England must hold either a UKCC or Table Tennis England (ETTA) Qualification and is required to complete the following for them to be issued with an Table Tennis England Coach Licence:
• A current and valid DBS (previously known as a CRB) certificate (valid within the last 3 years)
• Certification of completion of an Essential First Aid (All Ages) course (valid within the last 3 years)
• Certification of completion of a sports coach UK Safeguarding and Protecting of Children course (valid within the last 3 years)
• Certification of completion/attendance of a minimum of one Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Course in the past twelve months.

CPD that qualifies/counts towards retaining your Table Tennis England Coach Licence is restricted to sport specific technical learning which is delivered by the Table Tennis England Regional Coaches via Coach Education Days – offered a minimum of twice per year in each region. These CPD sessions cover a multitude of table tennis topics, including but not restricted to:

· Talent ID
· Back to Basics
· Goal Setting
· Session Planning
· Service and Receive
· Multi Ball
· Coaching Women and Girls
· Physical Training
· Equipment and Advanced Techniques
· Corner Coaching
· Coaching Philosophy
· Response / Reaction Time
· Preparation for Competition
· Modern Techniques
· Basic Techniques
· Disability Coaching
· Managing Challenging Behaviour
· Corrective Practices

Additionally there exist a number of external partner CPD programmes which can be accessed (but do NOT count towards the Table Tennis England Coach Licence), e.g. sports coach UK workshops ( or Talent Breakfast Clubs offered via County Sport Partnerships.

For further information on both of the above forms of CPD please contact your Regional Coach.

All Coach Licences will show the level of qualification held by each Licensed Coach. For those that have bridged and hold UKCC and ETTA (Level 3 or 4 only) qualifications, both will appear on the Coach Licence card.

The Coach Licence period runs from the 15th November each year until the following 14th November. All coaches should therefore be aware of the need to renew (or for those operating without an Table Tennis England Coach Licence, apply for) their Coach Licence by 15th November 2013.

It should also be noted that due to standardisation of renewal periods across the Table Tennis England the Coach Licence dates will change from 2014 and will run from 1st August to 31st July. As a result the fee for the Coach Licence due on 15th November 2013 will be £14 on a pro rata basis up until 31st July 2014. The fee will then return to the annual fee from 1st August 2014.

Table Tennis England Coaching and Performance Department.