Following lockdown 2.0 ending at 12.01am on Wednesday December 2, we have updated our official guidance documents to include details about moving between tiers, plus guidance for coaches and competitions.
The key changes and topics to be aware of have been highlighted below and for more detailed guidance documentation, please visit the Ready to Return section of the website.
Some key changes/update to look out for:
- When referring to the exemption for sporting activity for under 18s, this now includes young people who were under 18 on August 31, 2020, even if they turn 18 during the remainder of the academic year.
- The risk assessment document has been updated and this document should be reviewed regularly, we ask that all clubs review and update their own risk assessments and make sure there is a method statement (action plan) that sits alongside. Templates for both of these documents can be found by visiting the Ready to Return section of the website.
- Coaches and volunteers are able to travel across all tier levels
- Detailed information for players travelling across tier levels can be found on the main Ready to Return guidance (previously called Hygiene and Facility Guidance) document
- Maximum occupancy limits for venues still exist across all tiers and all types of activity (competitions, training etc)
Sanctioned Events
- 1* events are able to resume again as of December 2 when TTE reverts to Stage IV of the ‘ready to return’ pathway’; this will be in all tiers for U18s, but only in Tier 1 areas for over 18s due to Gov’t restrictions. There are some events scheduled on the calendar later in December and in January, and whether these go ahead will in part depend on the Gov’t re-tiering announcement for the host areas. The next Gov’t announcement is scheduled for 16 Dec, and every 2 weeks thereafter.
- 2*, 3* and 4* events remain dependent on TTE moving to Stage V of the ‘ready to return’ pathway’, and on Gov’t restrictions.
National Events
Dependent on TTE moving to Stage V of the ‘ready to return’ pathway’, and on Gov’t restrictions, and subject to stop/ go policy Competitions: Cancellation and refund policy announced— Table Tennis England. This includes the remaining rounds of the Senior British League, the Cadet & Jnr Nationals and U10-13s Nationals.
Tier 1 – will move back to where we were pre-lockdown 2.0, with the following in place:
- Adults allowed to play in bubbles of 6
- Local league play possible
- U18s and Disabled People allowed to play in bubbles of 15
- Multiple bubbles can be in the hall at any one time, but they must NOT mix when playing or socially.
Tier 2 – some positive movement at this tier level, with more opportunities for adult play with someone from one other household:
- Adults will be able to play with someone from one other household only; play in larger groups will only be possible if with people from the same household or support bubble
- Adult local league play not possible at this tier level for over 18’s, due to only being able to play with one person from one other household
- U18s and Disabled Peopleallowed to play in bubbles of 15 and U18 competitions/junior leagues can also take place
- Multiple groups of two (for over 18s)/fifteen (for U18’s/Disabled People) can be in the hall at any one time, but they must NOT mix when playing or socially.
Tier 3 – very similar restrictions at this tier to pre lockdown 2.0:
- Adults only able to play with someone from their own household or support bubble
- Adult local league play not possible at this tier level
- U18s and Disabled People allowed to play in bubbles of 15 and U18 competitions/junior leagues can also take place
The Government confirmed which areas of the country are part of which tier on Thursday November 26 – please click here to check the status of your area and click here for a full list of tiers.
We want to thank the table tennis community who have supported us in lobbying and raising the profile of the importance of a return of table tennis and indoor sport as a whole.
We have remained in regular discussion with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and Sport England in recent weeks, alongside other indoor sports, such as badminton and basketball, campaigning to allow for greater flexibility for adult participation across tiers 2 and 3. A joint document was put to DCMS and the Government recently from indoor sports, with future recommendations for indoor sport across the three tiers.