Table Tennis England is revising its guidelines in terms of members needing to access safeguarding training as follows:
- Coaches – It is a requirement of the coach license for coaches to attend safeguarding training. The recommended workshop is Safeguarding and Protecting Children which is delivered by Sportscoach UK. However, there are other workshops run by schools and local authorities which may also be acceptable and they will be assessed on a course by course basis. To check if the workshop you want to attend is acceptable for further guidance please contact Judy Rogers, Safeguarding and Ethics Manager, on 07507860034.
We recommend that coaches attend a ‘refresher’ workshop every 3 years and this is where our guidance is changing because Table Tennis England will now accept online training as an option although in the first instance coaches must attend a workshop. The course which we are recommending is the Safeguarding and Protection Children Renewal which is again by Sportscoach UK and can be accessed via their website. - Welfare Officers – To follow the same guidelines as coaches. In addition we would recommend that they also attend the Time to Listen course delivered and promoted by the Child Protection in Sport Unit. This is being delivered by County Sports Partnerships although is not available yet across the country.
- Club Officers – For club and league officers and officials or anyone who would like to have a basic understanding about safeguarding. Table Tennis England recommend that they access the online course as above. This could be done as an individual or as a group.