The Weald TT Club are to host two free table tennis taster evenings in support of the national ‘Join In’ Olympic Legacy Programme (see link https://www.joininuk.org/about ) for all-comers of whatever age, ability or experience on Monday evenings (7-10pm), 2nd and 9th September, at their Mary Sheaf Gym, High Weald Academy, Angley Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 2PJ base. Up to 12 top quality tables will be available and bats and balls will be supplied if/when appropriate. Coaching and advice from qualified coaches will also be offered if desired so come along and have a hit!
The Weald Club runs a programme of coaching, practice and competition for players of all standards, and several members such as Lewis Gray and Yolanda King have gone on to represent England. Club Head Coach Ken Muhr said, “We are very keen to encourage more local people to take up and play table tennis, a sport for life, and hopefully become members”. For further information about the ‘Join In’ table tennis taster sessions or about the Weald TT Club ( www.tabletennis365.com/WealdTTC ), contact Ken Muhr, Tel.01580 752676 (H), [email protected] .
‘Join in’ (website: www.joininuk.org ) was formed in April 2012 to maximise the volunteering opportunities across the UK created by the Olympic and Paralympic games. This summer ‘Join In’ will be working with sports and community clubs all over the UK to host activities in their local communities with a view to attracting new members. ‘Join In’ is funded by the Big Lottery Fund, government grant and by Official Partners BT and Lloyds TSB.
Meanwhile the English Table Tennis Association is hosting a South East (Surrey, Sussex, Kent) Regional Open Day on Saturday 24th August, 10am to 4pm (cost £10), at The College of Richard Collyer, 82 Hurst Rd, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2EJ. It is open to all keen youngsters of whatever standard or experience who feel they might have the interest or potential to reach a high standard. For further information contact Craig Bryant, ETTA SE Regional Coach, e-mail: [email protected] , mobile: 07814390498.
Written by Ken Muhr (August 22, 2013)