Table Tennis England today launches two major consultation exercises, asking for members’ comments on the future of the rankings system and the British League.

The British League consultation is aimed at all stakeholders including players, coaches, referees, umpires, tournament organisers, regular event volunteers and parents.

The ranking system consultation is aimed at the approximately 3,000 players who appear on the national ranking lists, those involved in player development (such as parents and coaches) and others, such as tournament organisers, who have an interest in the performance of the national ranking system.

Both consultations are open until 11.59pm on Friday March 20 and take the form of online surveys. Guidance documents have been created to help respondents to frame their answers. These can be downloaded at the bottom of this page – it is essential to read these before making your response in order that the consultation is consistent.

We will also be consulting with National Council and the Members’ Advisory Group, plus other relevant committees within the Table Tennis England umbrella.

Please click on the buttons below to take the surveys. The British League survey consists of six questions and should take between five and 10 minutes to complete, including reading the guidance document.

The ranking system survey consists of 19 questions but will take longer to complete as the guidance document includes a lot more information. However, because we are keen to get as much feedback as possible, we have made the majority of questions non-mandatory, so the respondents can choose to answer as many or as few questions as they wish.

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]

[button link=””]Take the ranking system survey[/button] [button link=”″]Take the British League survey[/button]