We are now nearing the end of the nomination period for the election of Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer. If any Company Member has not received a nomination paper they should contact the Returning Officer immediately.

A Company Member who wishes to make a nomination must return the nomination paper by email or post to be received on or before Tuesday 26 May.

The Company Members are:

  • The Individual Company Members, (who are the Directors)
  • The County Representative Company Members, (who are the National Councillors)
  • The League Representative Company Members.

The names of the Company Member representing each county and league, and the number of vote units they are entitled to, are stated in the Electoral Register. Only that person is entitled to nominate candidates and vote in the elections. It is now too late for a county or league to change its Company Member.

I attach for information:

Ballot papers for any contested election will be distributed to Company Members by post on or before Tuesday 9 June, and must be returned by post to be received on or before Tuesday 23 June.

The votes for any contested election will be counted on Wednesday 24 June and the result announced as soon as possible after that.

If you have any queries please email the Returning Officer at [email protected]

Any Company Member who does not receive a ballot paper shortly after 9 June should email [email protected] without delay.

Caroline Williams (returning officer)
May 18, 2015