UKCC/1st4sport Level 1 Award in Coaching Table Tennis (L1ACTT)
The L1ACTT course consists of 3 separate days spread over approximately an 8 week period. Learners are expected to complete home study and practical coaching tasks between each day of the course.
The qualification will provide learners with the necessary skills to be able to plan and deliver basic table tennis coaching activities, normally under the direct supervision of a more qualified coach.
In addition to being assessed on written course and home study work, learners are required to pass a practical assessment on the third day of the course. This involves delivering a 15 minute coaching session to a group of up to 4 players, at Level 1 the coaching group will be made up of your peers on the course.
L1ACTT Day 2 – Technical Day
From the 1st January 2013 the ETTA has introduced an additional day to the UKCC Level 1 Coaching course that focuses on the technical elements of the basic skills, to better equip coaches in their first steps into coaching. This is a compulsory part of the learning programme for the course to gain the UKCC Level 1 Coaching Award.
The key benefits of this additional requirement in the UKCC Level 1 learning programme are:
• Enhanced technical knowledge to equip coaches with more thorough understanding of the technical aspects of the sport.
• Greater Confidence to deliver coaching sessions and improve the players’ performance.
• Bridge the gap to Level 2 technical skills and be able to meet the standards and requirements to undertake the next stage of coaching
• Learn the basis of the latest and most effective technique developments.
The Technical Day builds on the content covered on the first day of the course and focuses on the ‘what-to-coach’ level 1 technical skills, rather than the more generic ‘how-to-coach’, although some of the latter are included.
UKCC Level 1 Coaches that attended a course starting prior to 1st January 2013 will have the opportunity in future to attend Coach Education Workshops that will provide the technical day content. However at the current time it is not a requirement for such Coaches to complete the technical day in order to continue to coach or move onto UKCC Level 2 Coaching Course.
Prerequisite Workshops
To achieve a Level 1 qualification learners must attend the following pre-requisite workshops (or ETTA approved equivalents) prior to certification:
♦…. | sports coach UK ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ workshop (3 hours). |
♦ …. |
St John Ambulance Essential First Aid (Adult or ‘All Ages’) course (3 or 4 hours), or appropriate equivalents. |
The learner is responsible for locating and registering on a suitable workshop. Please click on the links above to search for workshops on the sports coach UK and St John Ambulance websites.
A list of approved equivalent workshops will be provided when you register for your course.
Registration Information
Learners must be 16 years of age or over by the start date of the course to be registered. Please Note – Coaches must be at least 18 years of age to coach unsupervised. Level 1 coaches would normally be expected to work under the direct supervision of a more qualified coach.
The 1st4sport Level 1 Learner Registration Period is 12 months from the first day of the course. Learners must complete all assessment tasks and provide evidence of attending prerequisite workshops within this period.
The current Level 1 course fee is £190. Check the Funding page to find out if there is a bursary scheme in your area. For volunteer coaches, the ETTA recommends that the Club or Local League should cover the cost of any fees.
Find a Course
To find a course and download an application form Please Click Here.