Two candidates have been nominated for the position of one Elected Deputy Chairman to serve on the Board until the 2023 AGM.

They are, in alphabetical order:

  • Darren Morgan
  • Don Parker

Both candidates have consented to their nomination and have supplied election statements, which can be found on our Election and Voting Information page.

There will now be an email ballot of all Company Members. The ballot papers and voting instructions will be emailed to Company Members on or before Thursday June 4 and must be returned by email to arrive on or before 11.59pm on Tuesday June 23 to the specified secure email address.

The vote count will take place on or before Friday June 26 and the result will be announced as soon as possible after that.

The election has been called following the sad death of Charlie Childs and is being carried out electronically as the office is closed at present because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

If you have any queries, please email the Returning Officer at  [email protected]