More people are playing table tennis and they are doing so on a regular basis according to the latest results from Sport England’s Active Peoples Survey which show strong levels of increase over the past 2 quarters.
The results gathered from the last 12 rolling months (to April 2011) show an increase of 39,200 playing at least once a week for 30 minutes or more and an increase of 54,600 playing once a month when compared to the 2007/8 bench mark survey (Active Peoples Survey 2).
As a sport, table tennis has become well known for its raft of participation schemes, including Ping! which had over 50,000 members of the public playing table tennis on 100 free to use tables in and around London last summer. The Ping! effect has seen many continue to play in the capital with both London and the south east showing particularly strong growth.
Ping! is set to continue in 2011 as it ventures to Birmingham and Hull from 4th July to 22nd August, for more information log on to