Table Tennis England has started work with a team of developers to create its very own league fixture and management website-based solution, which it will provide to affiliated leagues free of charge from the 19/20 season.
It will provide the functionality required and leagues will be invited to be involved in the beta testing phase. Technical training and support will be provided to leagues who would like to use the platform.
This important development safeguards the association from relying on a third party commercial provider. Having committed to provide a league fixture management solution free-of-charge to leagues, it is important to take control of such a benefit to prevent a re-occurrence of the current situation. More information on the current situation can be read here.
The table below clearly explains our statement that TT365 has increased its proposed charge for League Manager 5-fold. We do not intend to continue this debate on the financial detail in the public domain, but wanted to clarify our statement given that TT365 has published information.
TT365 now state that the £7 per player is inclusive of VAT. It was not quoted as such and TT365 has never previously quoted anything inclusive of VAT.
The simple fact is that despite losing a contract from its key client, TT365 has not adapted its business model or made adjustments, yet expects Table Tennis England (and/or the leagues) to pick up the shortfall (plus extra) for providing the same product. It does not make commercial sense and is not comparable to the market.
We do not intend to respond any further in public on the financial proposals.
For a fraction of the proposed cost, Table Tennis England can invest in the development of its very own platform that is sustainable and within its own control.
Our door remains open to TT365 should it wish to propose a more commercially acceptable solution.