Sainsbury’s School Games curriculum competitions
In support of the Sainsbury’s School Games, you can enter a range of curriculum competitions that contribute to engagement and achievement in different subjects and across the school.
What are the curriculum competitions?
Alongside the Sainsbury School Games sporting programme there are a range of curriculum competitions that can positively contribute to achievement in different subjects across the school. There are three categories which can be entered, with a particular spotlight on the activities at Levels 1-3 (in and between schools), which are designed to complement learning
delivered through the school curriculum. The curriculum competitions are flexible enough to incorporate local (Level 1 and 2) or countywide (Level 3) competitions.
The competitions will again be supported by Supporter 2 Reporter, who will help to generate resources, example submissions and to manage the content on the site, as well as providing expertise in media training and technical information to support schools.
How can my school enter?
In the 2012/2013 academic year the three categories will be:
- Reporting and creative media
- Music, visual and performing arts
- Sports analysis and technology
There are two age groups for each of the competition strands; Key Stage 2 and 3 and Key Stage 4 and 5.
The competitions will be weighted towards entries which are inspired by the Sainsbury’s School Games and specifically the Sainsbury’s School Games values. All applications must identify the appropriate age and competition category they are entering and must include a short comment on
Entries can be uploaded by individual schools or by School Games Organisers (SGOs).
For more information, resources and support and for details of how to enter the curriculum competitions please click here.