As mentioned in our last newsletter we have now been working in our three new priority zones since September 1. Exeter, Bournemouth, and Southampton all now have steering groups in place, and action plans developed.
These new zones have begun making contact with key partners, and delivering activity across a wide range of setting from school and club sessions, through to workplaces, bars, and even football clubs.
Exeter have just trained 12 new activators and hope to train at least 10 new UKCC level 1 coaches in their upcoming course. Exeter College launched table tennis across three different campuses in October, which has proven very popular with the students, with more than 100 participants using the tables casually each week and a further 30 attending a weekly coaching session.
The Exeter league have run a successful new junior league and have seen new senior players join their league from the successful Exeter City FC social table tennis session.
If you live in any of the above mentioned cities and would like to get involved, please contact us.