Players heading to the South Shields Grand Prix are being invited to take part in a world record attempt on the way.
Bishop Auckland TTC is hosting Pink Pong – Cancer Research UK and Aerobic Table Tennis as part of their World Record Tour.
The tour is travelling around the country raising money before attempting a world record for the most number of people taking part in Aerobic Table Tennis.
Aerobic Table Tennis is a high-energy fitness workout experience that combines table tennis with the benefit of burning calories.
Anyone is welcome at the Bishop Auckland on Friday October 3, the day before the Grand Prix gets under way.
The evening is from 7-9pm at Bishop Barrington School, Woodhouse Lane, Bishop Auckland, DL2 3UD. It costs £5 to take part, with 100% of funds going to Pink Pong – CRUK
For more information, call Matt on 07411 018856 or check out the club website
Paul Stimpson
September 22, 2014