Table Tennis England is inviting nominations for one Elected Deputy Chairman to serve on the Board until the 2023 AGM.

The election has been called following the sad death of Charlie Childs and will be carried out electronically as the office is closed at present because of the Coronavirus Crisis.

The Board has agreed an amendment to the regulations entitled Temporary Annex 1 to Part I: Election of Directors during the COVID19 Crisis, which can be found at the very back of Regulation Part I.

Company members will be sent an email with the information normally contained on the ballot paper and be invited to vote by sending a reply to the email to a password protected email address which the Returning Officer, Assistant Returning Officer and Scrutineers (but no one else) have access to, so that any of them can check remotely that the votes have been correctly recorded and counted.

The following documents have been published on the website:

  • Election Calendar
  • FAQs
  • Nomination Paper
  • Consent to Nomination Paper
  • The Electoral Register
  • Regulations Part I, Electoral Register and Election of Directors

Click here to visit the elections and voting information page to download these documents

Only Company Members are entitled to nominate candidates and vote in the elections.  The Company Members are:

  • The Individual Company Members, (who are the Directors) and each have one vote unit
  • The County Representative Company Members, (who are the National Councillors) and each have one vote unit
  • The League Representative Company Members, who have two, four or six vote units depending on the size of their local league.

The names of the company member representing each county and league, and the number of vote units they are entitled to, are stated in the Electoral Register.

Any Company Member who wishes to make a nomination must return it by email to the email address on the form to be received on or before Friday 29 May 2020. Candidates must return a consent to nomination by the same date.

If the election is contested, voting information will be distributed to Company Members by email on or before Thursday 4 June and must be returned by email to the specified secure email address and be received on or before Tuesday 23 June.

The votes will then be counted by Friday 26 June and the result announced as soon as possible after that.

If you have any queries, please email [email protected]

Any Company Member who does not receive a voting information email shortly after the distribution date should email [email protected] without delay.