Kelly Sibley won two National Championship titles in 2011 and will be on the charge for three titles in this Olympic year.

She won the women’s singles and doubles last year but fell agonisingly short in the mixed doubles with Darius Knight when they led 2-0 in the final against Paul Drinkhall and Joanna Parker before losing out.

Name: Kelly Sibley

Age: 23

Home town/County: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

What are you expecting from yourself for this year’s championships?

To try and retain my national title.

Is success the only option?

Obviously my aim is success, as I am the current National Ladies Champion to win it, is obviously my main goal but to lose would be hugely disappointing. However,  win or lose I will be giving 110% as I always do.

How important are the next couple of months for you?

They are very important, I have the World Team Championships and then after that I have the Olympic qualification. This is very important to me because if I could qualify that would mean I would of achieved one of my goals of playing singles at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Do you get nervous ahead of an event such as this?

Yes I do get nervous. But I use these nerves to drive me forward.

It’s a great competition to play against your peers. Who are you most looking forward to facing and why?

Joanna Parker. Because we always have a great battle and it’s always a good game.

What does it take to win a title at these championships?

It takes a lot of determination and a lot of fighting spirit and 100% concentration.

Finally, with all the English players improving over the last year, does that create increased pressure on yourself or do they spur you on?

Yes it will always create pressure, but I think that’s good as it keeps the top players on their toes.