It may only be the beginning of March but Windsor Magpies have already confirmed their promotion from Division Three of the Clacton and District Table Tennis League.

The runaway leaders have conceded just eight points in their eighteen matches and are a class apart, but this week they had one of their sterner tests of the season, four of their matches against Brotherhood G going to five before eventually winning 8-2.

Dave Sweetland maintained his hundred per cent record, with Ron Dacey and John Plummer each contributing a couple, Brotherhood’s Allen Denyer playing well to beat Plummer 11-6 in the decider and his team-mate Ian Porter defeating Dacey in four sets.

Brotherhood K beat Brotherhood J 9-1, Dan Malinowski’s treble including an 11-9 in the fifth victory over Kelvin Olano, whilst second-placed Nomads Lynx were easy 10-0 winners over the Kites.

Windsor Penguins drew with Brotherhood I for a second time this season, Brian Baines unbeaten for Brotherhood, Sue Chillingworth and Mike Monschau taking a point each for the Penguins, Ray Chillingworth winning two and sharing the doubles with Monschau.

There were a couple for Hazel Blanche in Nomads Leopards’ 9-1 win over Brotherhood L whilst Lionel Goddard took a maximum as Nomads Pumas overcame Brotherhood H 8-2, John Houghton of the Pumas beating Gerald Batt 12-10, 11-6, 12-14, 6-11, 13-11.

In Division One Brotherhood A were 9-1 victors over Windsor Hawks but Windsor’s Andy Vincent recorded an unpredicted success, 11-9, 10-12, 7-11, 11-8, 11-6, over Greg Green.

Despite a 15-13 in the fifth victory for Phil Smith over John Pattrick, Windsor Condors beat Windsor Eagles 9-1, the same score by which Brotherhood B defeated Lawford, Richard Spence’s win over Ian Graham the sole success for the losers.

There was a hat-trick for Gary Stallwood in Nomads Jaguars’ 8-2 win over Windsor Falcons, Windsor’s Mark Salter enjoying a tight
11-2, 16-18, 8-11, 17-15, 14-12 victory over Paul Woolnough.

There was a maximum, too, for Gary Cattermole as a Windsor Roosters’ side, forced to field a reserve, drew with Red Triangle B.

In Division Two Terry Kirby and Colin Beaumont both took trebles in Nomads Cougars’ 9-1 win over Brotherhood D but third-placed Brotherhood C lost ground, held to a draw by Windsor Ravens in a match where no-one stayed unbeaten.

Brotherhood E’s Rodney Betts beat Barry Howe of Windsor Owls
11-9 in the fifth but the Owls ran out 9-1 winners, Tricia Salter taking an excellent three, whilst David North was also undefeated in Walton B’s 6-4 victory over Brotherhood F.

* In the Junior Combination Tournament, there was success for Adam Wilkin, Kelvin Olano, Jack McCann and Sam Hume who beat Jack Bruce, Rowan Cottee and Jonathan Found 3-0 in the final.

Final results : Olano (+1) beat Cottee (-1) 11-7, 7-11, 11-8, 5-11, 11-3; Wilkin/McCann (-1) beat Bruce/Found (+1) 3-11, 11-8,
11-6, 3-11, 12-10; Hume (0) beat Found (0) 11-2, 11-4, 11-5.

Ian Porter and Paul Hume took the Consolation Doubles.

* In Division Two of the Veterans’ Section of the Essex Inter-League, Clacton lost 6-3 to Braintree B, Colin Webber winning two singles and Phil Smith one for the town side.

* Entry forms for the Closed Championships, sponsored by Paul Newbould Planning and Building Design Services, are being sent to all eligible players. Details and an entry form are also on the League’s website. The closing date is Sunday 27th March.

* League players will be saddened to learn of the death of Andy Adams, aged 67 years. For many seasons, Andy played for Windsor teams in the lower Divisions of the League, often acting as a Team Secretary. He was a doughty competitor on the table but a genial companion off it. Andy’s funeral takes place on Monday 7th March at 10.15 am at Weeley Crematorium.


Division 1

Windsor Eagles 1 Windsor Condors 9;
Nomads Jaguars 8 Windsor Falcons 2;
Brotherhood B 9 Lawford 1;
Windsor Hawks 1 Brotherhood A 9;
Red Triangle B 5 Windsor Roosters 5.

Division 2

Brotherhood F 4 Walton B 6;
Brotherhood E 1 Windsor Owls 9;
Nomads Cougars 9 Brotherhood D 1;
Windsor Ravens 5 Brotherhood C 5.

Division 3

Brotherhood L 1 Nomads Leopards 9;
Brotherhood I 5 Windsor Penguins 5;
Nomads Lynx 10 Windsor Kites 0;
Brotherhood K 9 Brotherhood J 1;
Windsor Magpies 8 Brotherhood G 2;
Nomads Pumas 8 Brotherhood H 2.


Veterans : Division 2

Clacton (Webber, Smith, Dearman) 3 Braintree B 6.

2010/11 SEASON
(as at 27th February 2011)
Brotherhood A 18 16 1 1 147
Condors 18 14 0 4 132
Walton A 17 13 1 3 122
Roosters 18 12 4 2 111
Red Triangle B 17 8 2 7 92
Eagles (1) 17 10 0 7 87
Red Triangle A 17 7 3 7 85
Panthers 16 6 3 7 83
Brotherhood B 18 5 3 10 76
Jaguars 17 5 2 10 72
Falcons 18 5 1 12 56
Hawks 17 1 2 14 47
Lawford 18 0 0 18 19
Kestrels 16 14 1 1 130
Cougars 17 12 3 2 120
Brotherhood C * (2) 18 13 3 1 113
Walton B 17 10 2 5 96
Ravens 16 8 4 4 85
Brotherhood D 16 7 4 5 83
Harriers * 16 6 1 8 69
Owls 17 4 4 9 68
Brotherhood F (2) 17 4 3 10 63
Tigers 17 2 2 13 55
Brotherhood E 16 1 3 12 49
Lions 15 1 2 12 45
Magpies 18 18 0 0 172
Lynx 17 15 1 1 131
Brotherhood K 18 12 1 5 125
Brotherhood G (2) 18 14 2 2 120
Swallows 18 10 2 6 107
Pumas 17 9 3 5 98
Brotherhood H 17 8 1 8 84
Brotherhood J 17 7 1 9 81
Leopards (2) 18 6 2 10 80
Brotherhood I 18 3 3 12 68
Brotherhood L 18 3 0 15 41
Penguins 18 1 2 15 32
Kites 18 0 0 18 7
Points deducted in brackets
* Record includes one void match