Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Table Tennis
The 1st4Sport L2 qualification is suitable for learners who have completed the 1st4sport L1 and gained more experience of Table Tennis coaching.
How is the qualification delivered?
The course consists of four days, spread over two weekends and separated by a home study period of 8-10 weeks. The qualification will build on planning and evaluation skills learnt at
L1 and involves a more advanced level of technical knowledge.
Coaches are expected to demonstrate more of an ability to analyse and improve the performance of their players, and demonstrate a commitment to their own development through extended home study.
Day 1
- Introduction to Coaching
- The Coaching Process
- Technical Coaching
- Preparing to Coach
- Technical Coaching
Day 2
- Reflection- development of personal coaching action plan
- Introduction to Psychology
- Technical Coaching
- Planning Coaching Sessions
- Coaching Practice and Home Study
Day 3
- Reflection on Coaching Practice
- Technical Coaching
- Internal assessment-coaching an individual
Day 4
- Physiology and Fitness
- Independent assessment- coaching a group
What are the requirements prior to the course?
To achieve a 1st4sport L2 qualification learners must attend the following pre-requisite
workshops (or Table Tennis England approved equivalents) prior to certification:
- 1st4sport L1 in Coaching Table Tennis
Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop (3 hours)
E-learning courses will not be accepted. The learner is responsible for locating and registering on a suitable workshop.
Registration requirements
Learners must be 18 years of age or over by the start date of the course.
The 1st4sport L2 Learner Registration Period is 24 months from the start date of the course. Learners must complete all assessment tasks and provide evidence of attending prerequisite
workshops within this period.
How to apply
You can now book a place on a course using the new Coaching Portal. If you already have a membership account you can login using your TT ID (formerly your membership number) and existing password. If you are new and not a member you can register your details and book on the required course.
Click here to visit the portal