Vaughan Allington and Mike Smith, the two organisers of the Leicester Development League are cock-a-hoop because it looks as thought this event, in effect the Leicester Junior Table Tennis League, will grow for yet another year.
Last season 30 teams took part and already it appears that there will be at least 34 teams taking part this term, possibly even 38. Such is the growth that it is now having to be split between two venues for the opening matches on Saturday 28 September, with roughly half at the current venue of Leicester Grammar School, while the other half will be at Knighton Park’s new headquarters on Knighton Fields Road East, off the Welford Road.
Not surprisingly Knighton Park has the most entries with at least 18 teams while the are five from Electricity/Fulhurst, three each from Winstanley Wizards and Harborough, two from Abbots Road and South Wigston High and one from Hastings. Two to four other teams are pending with strong possibilities for all four.
There will be several divisions, normally housing six teams, with promotion/relegation after the first three sessions ready for the remaining sessions in the second half of the season. To put the top hat on the season there will be an individual championship in March to round everything off.
This is a fine tribute for the organisers who have worked exceedingly hard behind the scenes for many years and are seeing highly rewarding results to underline their fine endeavours.
The Leicester League’s summer competition for the Elbow Tankard has been successfully completed to the semi final stage with two teams from the progressive Abbots Road club avoiding each other. Draw: Villagers (Great Glen) v Abbots, Parsons (Abbots Road) v Park Keepers (Knighton Park).
John Bowness. Publicity Officer (September 2, 2013)