Holwell Sports are going great guns in Division One of the Leicester & District League, overwhelming Electricity II by 8-2, although the result always seems slightly dulled as Holwell tend to give the doubles away.

Both Adam Feargrieve and Mark Green emerged undefeated while Martin Brunning won two, beaten by Adam Pettitt, a good success.

AW Wolver beat the newly promoted Knighton Park III 6-4, another slightly skewed result with a given doubles by Wolvey who had Mark Rose winning three, Mick Allsopp two and Gareth Edmunds one. Himansu Mishra made his first division debut for KP and, with a 189 grading, beat both Edmunds (271) and Allsopp (230) while Dan Andrews also did well to defeat the first named.

Electricity firsts battled out a 5-5 draw with Knighton Park seconds, Mat Hobday leading the way for the Sparks with a superb maximum, David Grundy taking one, while Hobday teamed up with Chris Brewer to win the doubles and shared the points. For KP Karen Smith and James Berry both won two, Richard Hayes one.

A tough encounter in Division Two saw Abbots Road defeat Desford Village II 6-4 in a match where four players won two. Vishal Parmar and Geoff Hancock did so for Abbots for whom Fahed Sacoor took a very important one, the first two finishing with the doubles. For Desford it was Kevin Parker and Paul Bumpus each taking a brace.

Two very similar results of 8-2 saw a maximum and two braces for the winners on each occasion. Electricity III turned up the heat against Holwell Sports when John Winsper got the maxi backed by a couple each from Russ Pettitt and Steve White. Mike James and Tony Fox each won one for Holwell.

In a very similar result it was Alex Mason coming up with the three for Great Glen against Goons with Kevin Trueman and Cliff Smith taking two apiece in this match. Anton Thomas continued his recent good form by winning both for Goons but his team could not quite land the doubles for a point, going down at deuce in the fifth,

Regent Sports needed the doubles for full points in a 6-4 success over Syston Casuals for whom Bob Whitaker claimed a vain maximum, one from Clive Stretton. Regent proved stronger in depth with Kevin Sanderson and Charlie Bateman each winning a couple, Richard Anderson one and then Sanderson and Anderson grabbed the doubles to finish off an exciting match.

Division Four is building up nicely into a competitive tussle for promotion with the top two teams clashing and are still in the same positions of one and two after Lutterworth had beaten Abbots Road III by 7-3, that consolation point very important at the moment for Abbots.

All the Lutterworth players scored two, Kevin Jones, Mike Eastell and Simon Jones, while the three Abbots Road players all came away with one, Bradley Lapworth, Shabnam Ahmed and Dave Rana after an unusual match, Lutterworth 3-0 ahead, then 3-3, before the winners took the last four sets.

Michael Parker captured a tough maximum for Knighton Park VIII against Desford Village III in a 6-4 victory. Parker is graded at 119 and he included the scalp of Luke Blair (151) who won his other two. Roma Morjaria supported Parker with two, Alex Randle one.

Electricity VI are third in the table, level on points with Abbots, after beating Fleckney II 7-3 when Dave Cox, Dave Silvester and Graham Piggin all scored two, but none of them could get the better of Robert Palmer who won all three for Fleckney to at least grab them a point.

Syston Casuals III maintained an unbeaten record and kept in touch near the top after defeating Nomads II 6-4 and it was another maximum for the losers, in this case Chris Weston who took all three, Mick Bishop and Ian Lockington winning two apiece for Syston, Wes Glauds one, Bishop and Glauds took the doubles for full points.

My performance of the week came in Division Five when John Woodward, who played for the first time in the league last season to score 21%, helped Fleckney III to a 6-4 victory over Regent Sports III including two excellent scalps in Gary Featherstone and Richard Just, both graded well above Woodward. The latter pair both scored two for the losers.