Organisers of the upcoming Scunthorpe one star are once again guaranteeing a minimum prize fund on £1,000.

A bumper entry is anticipated at the tournament on Saturday September 12, which features a full range of events, including boys’ and girls’  singles, intermediates (over-18 and under-40), ladies, veterans and men.

There is also a Prizefighter event, where every player qualifies from their group, but the higher in the group they finish the more prize money they play for.

This event gives all standards a fair chance of getting into the prize money as players only compete against those who finished in the same group position – for example all third-placed players face each other in the latter stages.

As always, any competitor who enters all three ‘main events’ will play a minimum of seven matches on the day even if they lose every match.

Entries close on September 4 – click here for an entry form