A number of important changes have been announced by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which will come into effect on 17th June 2013. Sports had been advised that we would be given 3 months notice of these changes, in effect we were given less than 3 weeks.
The changes are as follows:
• DBS will only issue disclosures to the applicant – the Registered Body will no longer receive a copy.
• The DBS Online Update Service will go live.
• The Position Applied For field on DBS applications will need to be completed differently.
How will this affect you:
• The Position Applied For field will be updated by TMG CRB Ltd so you will continue to complete with your role as previously e.g. volunteer coach, paid coach etc.
• The Online Update Service – the ETTA will be carrying out a managed staged introduction to the changes and we will be looking to introduce this service in 2 or 3 months time.
The major changes that will come into place with effect from Monday 17th June are as follows:
• The ETTA will no longer accept ‘paper’ applications for DBS checks they will all have to be done online. This is because the only way we can check the outcome of a check is via the online database.
• The online database will allow the ETTA to check if a disclosure is clear or has content.
• If the disclosure is showing it is clear then we will update our records and there is nothing more for the applicant to do.
• If the disclosure is showing that there is content we will not know what that content relates to as the online database will not give us that information. We will then email the applicant and ask them to send in either the original certificate or email a scanned copy within 21 days to the ETTA’s lead Safeguarding Manager. The certificate will be checked and a decision made regarding any action that may need to be taken – exactly the same as process that is currently in place. The applicant will be advised via email of the outcome and the certificate returned.
• If the certificate is not received within 21 days then the applicant’s coach licence will be suspended and the applicant (if not a coach) may themselves be suspended from the ETTA until they comply.
If you have any queries please contact Judy Rogers, National Programme Manager Volunteering, Diversity and Child Protection either by email [email protected] or on 01424 456211.
For more information please click here