A major transplant sport event held in Cheshire – bringing together dozens of people united by the fact they are only alive thanks to the generosity of another – has been hailed as a success.
Warrington’s David Lloyd Leisure and Halton Borough Council’s Select Security Stadium hosted the racquets and table tennis competition.
The event on May 30 was organised by Transplant Sport, in partnership with David Lloyd Warrington, Halton Borough Council and Halton Table Tennis Club, with more than 40 competitors over the two venues.
Organiser Jade Carr, of Runcorn, said: “We want to thank Halton Borough Council and Halton Table Tennis Club through Karen Tonge MBE for hosting the event, and especially to coach Frank James for his assistance.
“Also thank you to the coaches, volunteers and members of Halton Table Tennis Club who came to support, join in and help out through the day.
“Another thank you to Steve Rowe, TT coach and creator of Aerobic TT, for supporting the event with his fantastic Aerobic Table Tennis session that everyone enjoyed, I am sure we will be seeing more of this in the future at Transplant Sport!”
Jade, a member of the Halton TT Club, had a heart transplant as a child and is now waiting for a kidney transplant whilst receiving her treatment on dialysis. Over the years she has been UK, European and World Junior Table Tennis Transplant Champion; she also carried the Olympic Torch through Liverpool in 2012. Halton has other members who have had transplants and train for transplant events.
Fellow organiser and tranplantee, Andrew, aged 43, of Penketh, said: “Many of us transplant athletes have experienced near death situations and long illness, and it’s gratifying to enjoy a full life, thanks to organ donation.
“Hopefully, this event will encourage others to sign on the Organ Donor Register and importantly, discuss their wishes with their loved ones.”
For further information please visit http://www.transplantsport.org.uk
To register, and for more information on the Organ Donor Register, please go to http://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/ text SAVE to 84118 or contact the Organ Donor Line on 0300 1232323.
Paul Stimpson
June 16, 2015