During the period of lockdown, many clubs and individuals have turned to Zoom to stay connected and to deliver online sessions.
There is a small risk that some of these sessions can be joined by unauthorised people, so please consider the following tips to keep your online meetings safe and secure.
- Take the time to understand your Zoom settings before launching a meeting
- Use the scheduled meeting option to create a unique URL for each meeting
- Make sure every meeting is password protected
- Insist your callers register for the call, in advance
- Never share your meeting URL or your personal meeting room URL in a public space on social media
- Switch on end to end encryption
- Lock the meeting once everyone has arrived
- Nominate a Co-Host to moderate the meeting while you do the presentation
- Change your screen sharing to Host only
- Create a “Waiting Room” so people can’t join the meeting before the Host. This will allow you to admit people to the meeting one at a time
- Disable File Transfer so people can’t introduce anything untoward into your meeting
- Switch off the “Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin” setting – this will mean anyone who has been removed from the meeting cannot rejoin.
- In chat, disable the facility for people to message people individually