Table Tennis England will be undertaking a root-and-branch competition review in the new year, encompassing the entire national competition structure.
The current competition programme is complex and inter-connected, and has grown organically into its current format over many years. The review will enable us to ensure the programme is fit-for-purpose to meet the needs of our members, and address a number of known issues including sustainability, accessibility, calendar congestion and geographical spread.
The review will include all national competition programmes that sit within Table Tennis England governance or delivery, including tournaments, sanctioned 1*-4* events, national leagues and schools’ events.
Outcomes may provide opportunity for greater integration, more creative and innovative event formats, ‘downward expansion’ of national leagues, support for the talent pipeline, and creation of a pathway for tournament events.
As well as an open consultation, in which feedback will be invited from all Table Tennis England members, it is anticipated that a number of forums will be held for key stakeholder groups, and a series of insight interviews will take place with key members of the table tennis community.
The review will be guided by a steering group, balancing expertise and key representation, including Board, Members’ Advisory Group, tournament officials, clubs and players.
To this end, we welcome expressions of interest for the steering group from players, and from individuals representing clubs or who organise tournaments. Expressions of Interest should be submitted by email to [email protected] by 10th January 2021, accompanied by short statement detailing relevant background and experience.
Neil Rogers, Table Tennis England Head of Competitions & Events, said: “This review will be an exciting and essential opportunity to ensure an integrated and sustainable competition programme for the future – the right format, frequency, location and standard of competition across all age-groups, for existing and potential members.
“The competition review will complement work currently being undertaken on the Rankings framework, so that ranking and competition each support and drive the other.”
Further details of the review, including how to have your say, will be released in the new year.