The terms of reference have been published for the two Board sub-groups which are steering the latest phase of the Governance Review.

The Membership Advisory Group Committee and the Voting and Company Membership Review Committee were created to take forward the immediate priorities of the Independent Review Panel’s (IRP) recommendations.

The former will work towards creation of a new Membership Advisory Group (MAG) to act as the main interface between the Board and our members. The latter will examine the company membership structure and voting.

Both committees have now met for the first time and have published their terms of reference, which can be downloaded below.

The Board was updated at its meeting last week. Further updates will be published in the coming weeks regarding the creation of MAG in particular.


The Governance Review was launched last year to deliver on a commitment made ahead of an Extraordinary General Meeting, at which Company Members voted to approve governance reforms necessary for the sport to comply with the Government’s new Code for Sports Governance.

The IRP panel was created as a result of this commitment and the wider membership were invited to input into the consultation. The IRP’s report is a result of this process.

The aim of the Review was to undertake a wide-ranging and thorough review into the governance and structures of Table Tennis England to achieve a modernised, professional, transparent organisation that balances the need for democracy and a volunteer workforce at its heart.

The IRP held meetings with National Council and the Regional Forum, as well as further discussions either face-to-face or over the phone with a number of individuals. There were also more than 500 responses to an online questionnaire.