If you are a complete beginner, a developing player, or an advanced level competitor, coaching at Fusion can be tailor made to suit you. All our coaches are here to help you develop the advanced skills that make the game even more enjoyable. Equally if you have some experience of playing the game, we guarantee that you will find players at Fusion that will challenge your abilities and help raise the level of your game to new levels.
COACHING COURSES have always been a focus at our club and regular “Training Camps” are held throughout the year. Although the majority of the players attending the camps are juniors, we also encourage and welcome adults to attend.
Carmen was looking for a sport that would help improve her fitness (table tennis being a low impact sport) and give her the opportunity to socialize and make new friends. Carmen, an adult lady player, attended our February half-term camp together with a mixed group of adults and juniors and in her own words this is what she had to say
“I attended Fusion Table Tennis Camp for 3 days out of the five that it was on for. I did not skimp or give in to exhaustion, I simply signed up for 3 days.
I imagined that it was going to be a situation where I would be fed perfect shots from the coaches that I would endeavour to return. Instead, we, the Fusion TT campers were given the drills and sent off in search of our own version of the perfect shot (my perception): block; brush; push; short or long serve. It was hard to begin with. I felt a sense of frustration that my partners where not getting the benefits of the exercise, as I could not block, brush, push, short or long serve effectively all of the time. I spoke to Trevor, John, Aad, Clive and Martin and thus began a journey of self-discovery. In reality, you need to train with the people that you are going to come up against – the brush that is not going to go to the corner that you want it to go to, the chop that drops just over the net and the long serve that does not go straight to my bat. I learnt to move, to improve my backhand from way beyond the comfort of the table – arm and bat distance away – and to forehand from what seemed like a mile away from the table. I learnt that you are learning all of the time no matter if the drill involves the coach feeding you a variety of shots or me or my fellow table tennis camp attendees performing the drills together – a symphony of learning and improvement were being absorbed through my table tennis bat into my physical and mental game.
I rediscovered the child in me that still lingered in the hope of avoiding the warm ups that involved running – well walking in my case – press ups, knee ups, heel ups, weight lifting and good old stretching.
Everyone was really friendly and there was a real sense of team building and support. Am I fitter for it? Yes. Is my game play more developed? Yes. Would I go again? Yes. Fusion TT Camp was indeed a fusion of ages, cultures, genders and personalities that I am looking forward to fusing with again.
In the meantime, I am going to continue attending the adult sessions on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings with Edgar and Kazeem who’s coaching since October 14 gave me the confidence to even consider attending the camp.
Thank you for a great TT Camp experience.”
The next Fusion camp will be run during the Easter break. Come along, make friends, socialise and have some fun whilst learning a new sport or improve your existing game to a new level.
More information about Fusion TTC or the camps we organise can be found on the Fusion website: http://www.fusionttc.co.uk/fusion-training-camps-2015/