I have been most fortunate to have been sent some photos from Michael Close, TTE Vice-President and Middlesex Chairman, General Secretary and National Councillor. Thank you Michael.  An interesting selection of six photographs which include some England internationals.

Michael is in all the photographs and I recognise Laurie Landry in three and Alan Rhodes in one. Can you help with the other names?


Photo 1

Front Row: Michael Close with big cup. Back Row: Laurie Landry far right.



Photo 2


Back Row: Laurie Landry, x, Michael Close. Front Row: x, x, Alan Rhodes, x.

Photo 3

Back Row: Michael Close fourth left.
Back Row: Michael Close fourth left.


Photo 4

Michael Close far left.
Michael Close far left.


Photo 5

X, Michael Close, Laurie Landry.
X, Michael Close, Laurie Landry.


Photo 6

Michael Close centre.
Michael Close centre.


If you can help with the identification of any of players or the occasion, in the photographs could you contact me on [email protected]


Responses from 13th November 2015 and 6th November 2015

Unfortunately I have had no names from the last week’s pictures but I was delighted to receive several names for Photos 1 and 2 from 6th November.


Photo 1

Front Row: Chris Bartram, Nicky Mason, Juliet Houghton, Sarah Sandley, Jane Barella, Lesley Popkievicz, Sue Collier, x.

Back Row: Peter Hirst, David Barr, Graham Sandley, Mark Oakley, Andrew Dodd, Andrew Cunningham, David Dodd, Richard Darnell, Ian Fullerton, Geoff Chapman, x, Mike Kercher.

Photo 2

Front Row: Murray Jukes , x, x, Robert Scott-Birchall (Derby), Adrian Dixon (West Midlands), Robert Yong (Nottingham), Richard Grant (Nottingham), Kurt Hutson.