Last week there was a brief interlude from old photos but an interesting article on the impact Friday’s Photos has had on at least one former player.

Click here to scroll to last week’s pictures

This week sees five new pictures – who are the people in them and where and when were the pictures taken?

Due to other commitments over the last couple of weeks I have not been able to get round to replying to all who have contacted me. Please accept my apologies but be assured all information is noted and much appreciated.

Photo 1

30-10-15 img753


Photo 2

30-10-15 img754


Photo 3

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Photo 4

30-10-15 img756


Photo 5

30-10-15 img757

Responses from October 16

Photo 1 – Colum Slevin, Ireland

16-10-15 img743


Photo 2 – Alan Griffiths, Wales No 1 and National Coach

16-10-15 img744


Photo 3 – David Hannah, Scotland and Surrey

16-10-15 img745


Photo 4 – Helen Williams, Middlesex

16-10-15 img746


Photo 5 – No information

16-10-15 img747

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