ETTA Aware Club Checklist

Does your club have the following?

1. A child protection policy?
2. A procedure for what to do if there are concerns about a child’s welfare either inside or outside the sport?
3. Does your club have a designated person (club welfare officer) for dealing with concerns or allegations of abuse?
4. Is there a named person who deputises in your absence?
5. Does the club welfare officer have a formal place on the club’s management committee?
6. A rigorous recruitment and selection process for staff and volunteers?
7. A written code of conduct and behaviour which outlines good practice when working with children?
8. A written complaints procedure (a template can be found here) and disciplinary procedure?
9. A whistleblowing policy?
10. Information for children, young people and parents/carers about the child protection policy and where to go for help?
11. An anti-bullying policy which is well publicised?
12. A health and safety policy and procedures?
13. Does your club signpost volunteers who have contact with children to appropriate training opportunities?
14. Does your club have ways of making sure that the safeguards that are put in place are working i.e. through club committee review?
15. Is there clear guidance on confidentiality?
16. A protective culture that puts children’s interests first?

Click here for a downloadable version of the above

All the documents mentioned above are available within the Child Protection section of the ETTA website or can be found on the Child Protection in Sport Unit website on