Table Tennis England has a club focused capital facilities fund of £272,000 this financial year.
There are three key areas of investment based on evidence, knowledge and a recent facilities audit:
Club Table Scheme (£12,000)
To provide additional tables for established clubs.
Club Improvement Fund (£60,000)
Grants of up to £10,000 towards upgrading existing facilities.
Dedicated Multi-table Clubs/Facilities Fund (£200,000)
Grants from £20,000 to £100,000 towards extending or building a new facility.
In all cases, partnership funding is required and the grant must be spent this financial year.
Further details of all the schemes, how to apply and how decisions are reached can be found in the Club Facility Funding Guidance 2015-16 document. Please read this thoroughly before considering making an application.
To make an application for Club Improvement Fund or Club Table Scheme funding, please click on the relevant link below.
Club Improvement Fund application form 2015-16
Club Table Scheme grant application form 2015-16
If you would like to apply for funding under the Dedicated Multi-table Clubs/Facilities Fund, is it first necessary to fill in an Expression of Interest form – please click on the link below.
Facility Development Projects – Expression of Interest form
NB Funds in respect of the capital awards are now fully committed for this year, the table programmes do however remain open. Please do not hesitate to contact the your area development lead if you have a project you would like to talk to us about – the programme will relaunch in April 2016.
May 22, 2015