The ETTA held an Extraordinary General Meeting at Milton Keynes on Saturday April 12 2014, to consider a special resolution proposing the adoption of new Articles of Association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, all existing Articles.
The number of votes cast in a card vote was 34,403, of which 32,741 in favour and 1,662 against. This equates to 95.17 per cent in favour and 4.83 per cent against, well in excess of the 75 per cent majority required for a special resolution.
These Articles, taken with the Regulations approved by Board either already or in the future, create a new legal framework for the company. The major changes are:
Previously: The Company was managed by the Board, in accordance with policy decisions made by National Council.
Now: Policy decisions are made by the Board, with National Council acting as an advisory body and a channel of communication between the Board and Affiliated Organisations and Members. National Council will be self-regulating on a basis agreed with the Board
Previously: Departments responsible for various aspects of activity were headed by Vice-Chairmen who were Board members.
Now: Departments are managed by professional Heads of Department, reporting to the Chief Executive, and Board members other than the Chief Executive have no executive responsibility
Previously: Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer were elected by Company Members, and Vice-Chairmen were elected by National Council.
Now: Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer continue to be elected by Company Members, and other Directors are appointed by the Board after selection by a panel. Candidates are not limited to members of the table tennis fraternity.
Previously: There was no limit on the period for which a director could serve.
Now: Directors are normally limited to two consecutive terms of 4 years but this restriction may be relaxed if an extension can be shown by thorough review to be beneficial to the Company.
Previously: Affiliation procedure, County Administration, details of approved and authorised equipment, age limits and Laws, Disciplinary and Appeals procedure were all included in the Rules.
Now: All details for the above – apart from those defining the status of Laws – have been transferred to Regulations.
The Board is very grateful for the work of Colin Clemett and his Rules Committee colleagues, notably Estyn Williams and Lynda Reid, as well as to Faye Bargery of Thomas Eggar LLP – the appointed solicitors – and for the helpful contributions from National Council and other Members.
Mike Smith
(April 16, 2014)