The Ballot papers for the election of Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer were sent out last week and so if any Company Member has not received their ballot paper by now they should email the Returning Officer at [email protected] without delay.

The following candidates are listed on the Ballot paper:

For Chairman:

Sandra Deaton

Alexander Neve Murdoch

Steven Pound

For Deputy Chairman:

Peter Robert Bradley

Susan Elizabeth Hughes

Mateusz Sadlowski

For Treasurer:

Martin Graham Clark

Keith Thomas

The Electoral Register shows the name and vote value of each Company Member.

Click here to view the Electoral Register

The ballot paper must be returned by post in the provided envelope to Table Tennis England to arrive on or before Tuesday June 23, 2015.

The Vote Count will take place on Wednesday June 24, and the result announced as soon as possible after that.

If you have any queries please email the Returning Officer at  [email protected]

Caroline Williams (Returning Officer)
June 9, 2015