Please select from the list below .

What is ‘Change4Life Sports Club’ (C4LSC)?

‘Change4Life Sports Club’ (C4LSC) is a programme being run by Youth Sport Trust (YST) and Sport England (SE) in conjunction with the School Sport Partnerships (SSPs) and in turn the NGBs in order to develop a new ‘breed’ of fun focused clubs on School and College sites across England within 7 Olympic and Paralympic sports – including Table Tennis. The focus of these clubs will be to engage and increase participation among young people (13-19) who are currently not involved in ‘3rd hour’ sporting activities.

How does C4LSC work?

The C4LSCs new ‘breed’ of fun focused clubs seeks to further narrow the gap between national curriculum and out of school hours learning and community sport. The clubs are aimed at young people (13-19), who currently do not engage in sporting activity outside of the standard 2 hours of national curriculum physical education, and will look to attract and engage them by developing a sense of belonging within a club setting and encourage the regular participation that is associated with future community club membership and lifelong sporting involvement.

How do I/does my School/College get involved in the C4LSC programme?

All Schools and Colleges selected for the C4LSC programme were contacted directly by the SSPs. In order to see if your School/College is involved with the C4LSC programme, please contact your PDM who will advise you.

When will the ETTA’s C4LSC training courses be running?

Courses begun Oct 1st 2010 and will run throughout 2011 and 2012. Click here to find a course near you.

What is the ETTA C4LSC training course?

Change4Life Introduction the Table Tennis Award

What is the Change4Life Introduction to Table Tennis Award?

A one day, five hour course which involves elements of the ETTA Introduction to Table Tennis, Young Officials Award as well as a Change for Life Introduction bolt on. It has been developed to empower young people to set up, run and develop a Change4Life table tennis club.

Who is the Change4Life Introduction to Table Tennis Award aimed at?

We would expect candidates to include GCSE students, 6th formers and individuals studying sports related programmes or leadership awards, as well as teachers. We encourage schools to book one adult and 2 students onto the courses.

Where will the ETTA’s C4LSC training courses be running?

Selected host schools. Contact Sophie Olyphant on [email protected] or 01424 456 224 if you want to run a course at your school.

What are the costs of the courses?

There is no cost involved for the School/College or nominated candidates in order to attend these training courses. All course costs (including candidate resources) are covered as part of the initial funding of the C4LSC programme under the coaching bursary allocation. This is up to a maximum of 3 candidates per Change4Life school. Non Change4Life clubs will be required to pay £40 per candidate to attend the course.

Do I have to attend those courses nearest to my School/College?

All courses are available and open to any nominated candidate. You should discuss with your School / College and PDM which course/s to attend.

What equipment will my school receive and when will we get it?

Junior Bats – 15

Senior Bats – 15

Net & Posts – 5

Training Balls (White) box 144 – 2

Artengo Rollnet – 4

Artengo Fun Balls – 4

Butterfly Skills Programme Resource Pack – 1

Butterfly Skills Circuit Cards – 1

ETTA Ladder Board – 1

Equipment Bag – 1

Equipment is being delivered directly to the school by the Youth Sport Trust. It should arrive before Christmas.

Where can I book onto a Change4Life Introduction to Table Tennis Course?

Contact Sophie Olyphant at the ETTA.

There are no courses in my region?

We aim to provide enough courses to cover every County Sport Partnership. If you cannot find a course in your area please frequently check the Youth Sport Trust Event Booking System and bear in mind that courses are being organised frequently. If you have not had the opportunity to attend a Change4Life course by December 1st 2011, please contact Sophie Olyphant. Perhaps you could host for us?

How can we promote a course taking place in our School Sport Partnership?

Please inform schools within your partnership of where a course is going to be held. In terms of advertising please see the ‘Resources’ on the link below.

How many candidates has my school got funded onto a Change4Life Course?

Each school signed up to table tennis via the Change4Life scheme is entitled to a £250 coaching voucher. This entitles schools to 3 candidates on the Change4Life Introduction to Table Tennis Award. It also includes a£100 bursary towards a UKCC Level 1 Table Tennis Course. The total cost of this course is £160.

How does my school access the UKCC Level 1 Table Tennis bursary?

Simply book the candidate onto the course and pay the remaining £60. Ensure you attach a note indicating who the candidate is and from which school they are representing.

What is the minimum and maximum number of candidates permitted onto a C4L course?

There is a minimum of 14 and maximum of 18 candidates per course.

What are the criteria for selecting a host school to host a Change4Life Course?

Free facilities being offered

Preferably have a sports hall available

If not, a gym hall

The above available during the daytime (although twilight hours, weekends and holidays can be accommodated)

Minimum of 5 table tennis tables already held by the school Sports hall OR gym hall available

Seating and tables set up in the above, to accommodate 20 individuals

Table tennis bats and balls available for use

Projector (for laptops).

Use of laptop with Microsoft PowerPoint (if available).

Whiteboard OR flip chart

Cones available for use

If I have a lot of demand for the course can I put extra people onto it?

Initially we like to ensure that all schools have the opportunity to attend. If there is space still available a couple of weeks prior to the course, schools will be able to purchase additional candidates onto the course at a cost of £40 per candidate.

If we are hosting a course at our school can we have additional candidates at no cost?

No. Funding only covers 3 candidates per Change4Life Table Tennis School.

What should I spend the £850 grant on?

Some schools have used the grant to access professional coaching or purchase Table Tennis tables. The school is welcome to use the grant as they best see fit to develop their table tennis club. Need more advise? Contact your Regional Development Manager for ideas.

How many Change4Life Courses will be organised?

We aim to provide for every County Sport Partnership. Courses should run until March 2012.

My school meets the criteria but has not been contacted to host a course?

Please contact Sophie Olyphant and inform him of your school listing several dates from which you would like to host a course. Location of the school will also play a defining factor in selecting host schools.

How do I book onto a course?

Contact Sophie Olyphant at the ETTA.

I have been on the Youth Sport Trust Booking System but cannot find any courses in my area?

Please be patient. Frequently check the website as courses are being organised all the time. If you have not had access to a course by December 2011 please contact Sophie Olyphant and make him aware of this.

I would like a coach to help support the club, where can I get one?

Please contact your Regional Development Manager. Contact details of all are on this website under the Development section.

There is a course being held in my School Sport Partnership. There are only 2 schools under my partnership, how can I fill a course if there is a minimum of 14 candidates required?

To ensure the project reaches as many candidates as possible please contact nearby PDM’s / SGO’s and make them aware of a course running in your partnership. Aim to fill these courses to the maximum of 18. Promotional material can be found under ‘Resources’ on the following link:

How will I know when a course is being held?

This website will show the upcoming courses. All courses will also go live on the YST. In addition PDM’s will receive emails advertising a course in their area. Follow up calls to schools may also be made.

My school has not yet completed the survey. Where can I do this?

There is no longer a need to complete the survey. This was initially used to identify potential host sites.

If my school has been identified as a potential host school how often will you require our facilities?

Initially we only require your facilities for one day, to cover the duration of the 5 hour course. In the future, should we be struggling for host sites, we may contact your school again to request use of your facilities a second time.

Who should I contact at the English Table Tennis Association about Change4Life?

Please contact Sophie Olyphant on [email protected] or 01424 722 525.