1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Internal Verification Practice in Sport (CIVPS)
The CIVPS is awarded by 1st4sport Qualifications and has been developed in partnership with sports coach UK. It is accredited at Level 3 on the National Qualifications Framework.
For further information on the accredited status of the CIVPS, please log on to the Ofqual – accredited qualifications website at www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk.
Is the CIVPS for me?
If you are an adult (over 18 years of age) who wishes to be involved in the internal verification of vocational qualifications in sport, then the CIVPS is designed for you. The knowledge gained will enable learners to develop an understanding of safe, fair, valid and reliable internal verification practice.
Prior to registration for the CIVPS, learners should ensure that they:
- are over 18 years of age
- hold D32/D33 or the new ENTO Unit A1, or the 1st4sport Introduction to Assessment Practice in Sport (IAPS), or a UKCC-endorsed national governing body assessors award/licence or equivalent
- have an appropriate vocational or competency-based qualification to at least the same level as the qualifications/assessments they are verifying.
- Learners should be made aware that to achieve the qualification they will need to have access to an appropriate awarding body approved centre and be in a position to participate in the quality assurance of that centre, including observing assessors and liaising with the awarding body’s external quality-assurance representative (external verifier or similar).
The qualification may be used as a stepping-stone to employment at an awarding body recognised centre, or with a governing body of sport, to support the verification of their accredited activities. Learners may also choose to work towards achievement of the ENTO V1 Unit (Conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process), the Certificate in Review and Assessment and/or other Learning, Development, Assessment and Verification NVQ units.
The CIVPS is being used by a growing number of national governing bodies of sport as the benchmark qualification for internal verifiers to quality assure their UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) endorsed coaching programmes, combined with an appropriate induction to the requirements of their UKCC endorsed programme.
Why should I study the CIVPS?
- To assist your sport in looking for CIVPS-accredited internal verifiers.
- To become an accredited tutor at an approved centre.
- As a stepping-stone towards achievement of the ENTO Learning and Development awards.
- As a Continuous Professional Development opportunity for existing deliverers who may not hold a nationally accredited tutoring qualification.
What can I use the CIVPS for?
Achievement of this qualification may enable you to secure employment or work as an internal verifier with an awarding body recognised centre for vocational qualifications, performing quality-assurance checks and reviews of internal assessment audit systems on competency-based or vocational qualifications from a variety of awarding bodies. Learners who achieve this qualification may wish to gather further evidence of their role as an internal verifier to achieve the ENTO Unit V1 (Conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process). To achieve this qualification, you will be required to demonstrate your competence in fulfilling all the performance criteria and range of standards in the workplace, over a period of time. Achievement of these units can only be via a recognised centre accredited to offer these particular units and/or qualifications.
What will I learn?
Your learning programme will develop your understanding of how to:
- understand the principles of internal verification practice
- understand the assessment process
- develop plans for the evaluation of the assessment process
- review and evaluate assessment decisions
- support the work of assessors
- apply and monitor equal opportunities and access procedures throughout the assessment process
- provide fair and constructive feedback to support assessors
- monitor and review the assessment internal audit systems
- review and make recommendations on the resources needed to internally evaluate the assessment process
- meet external quality-assurance requirements and liaise with such systems
- reflect on and evaluate own practice
- identify goals and develop/use a personal action plan to monitor own progress.
How will my learning programme be structured?
Learning programmes are usually designed by the recognised centre that delivers the qualification. They may, therefore, vary in length and format. Depending on the needs of their learners, centres can offer intensive courses or a series of learning events over a number of days or weekends. Whatever the timescale, all learning programmes should include the following phases:
- An induction to the qualification and your programme of learning and assessment.
- A learning programme that meets your needs.
- A programme of assessment spread across the course.
- You should be given time away from the learning programme to practise your skills and gather evidence of internally verifying in your particular area of expertise.
At the end of the programme, you will be provided with formal feedback on your performance and an action plan for your further development.
What will my assessment involve?
All learners are eligible to undertake the internal assessment component of the qualification, which is composed of the following:
The identification or production of an overarching internal verification strategy for an approved centre offering vocational qualifications in sport, over a period of at least six months and covering a minimum of four separate programmes/courses and at least two assessors.
The production of an internal verification plan for an approved centre offering vocational qualifications in sport, identifying the nature of the planned internal verification activity for a minimum of four separate programmes/courses and at least two different assessors.
All learners are eligible to undertake the independent assessment component of the qualification, which is composed of the following:
The production of a minimum of three internal verification reports, for at least three verification interventions, based on observations of the performance of at least two assessors and a review of the products of their assessments. Reports must confirm the assessors’ monitoring of equal opportunities and use of resources.
The production of two action plans for at least two assessors, based on the above observations. One action plan must be based on the development of one assessor over time.
The production of a report that identifies how at least one assessor has improved, against their action plan, over a period of time.
An understanding of how to plan for interaction with the person appointed by the awarding body, to provide external quality assurance of the approved centre (external verifier or similar). In addition, evidence of actual interaction(s) with the person appointed by the awarding body to provide external quality assurance. A variety of communication types are acceptable.
A review of own internal verification performance over the three interventions and a personal action plan for further development as an internal verifier.
A professional discussion exploring their understanding of aspects of the role, the effectiveness of the plan and the evidence presented.
Where can I access the qualification?
The qualification is delivered by 1st4sport Qualifications’ approved centres, not all of whom offer open courses to members of the public. Your first port of call to access a course should be to contact the appropriate national governing body of sport.
Contact details
A variety of organisations are approved to offer the CIVPS. Contact 1st4sport Qualifications via email at [email protected] or by calling 0113-290 7610 for more information.